Furever Hunting Taxidermist

A proper trophy could tell tales. It includes the story of the animal. It tells the history of the shooting party and its many experiences – the cool morning breeze, the rustling leaves, the awaiting and the rush of adrenalin. Behind every piece we’ve created here at Furever Hunting for the last 30 years, the goal is to bring these stories back to life.

We always follow strict standards, we pay exceptional attention to detail and looking after the animals with the utmost care and respect. Each piece is original, individually designed and shaped to highlight the best features of the animal, reflecting the precise anatomy and its wild behaviour. Therefore – with proper storage – we can enjoy the trophy of the prey animal for the rest of our lives.

The experience doesn’t end with the hunt. At Furever Hunting, we create works of art that not only capture but also perfectly ends the hunting experience with an exceptionally fast turnaround time in this industry.

We provide complex services as uniquely we have our own preparator, furrier, and fur dressing workshop. The complete preparation process is carried out on-site, in addition providing special services of our workshops.

Preparatory workshop services


The delivered leathers will be tested immediately to ensure that the stock meets the requirements and the necessary documentation.

Fur dressing

After the arrival of the skins, they will be sent immediately to leather preparation. During the preparation, we contact the customers to discuss and finalize requests about the postures. At the same time, we will start assembling supplies to ensure that we are ready to prepare the trophy as soon as the skins return to the workshop.

Preparations of leather & mannequins

All works of art begin with proper preparation of the skin – by stitching holes, thinning the nose and eyelids adding ear linings and performing other tasks as needed. The mannequin will also be prepared carefully and thoroughly according to the gesture, size and precise anatomy.

Taxidermy & drying

Once the skin and the foundation are ready, our experts work together to connect the two elements. The skin is properly sewn into its place, then stapled and dried.


As a final step, our Airbrush artists make the finished work perfectly realistic. At this stage, our works of art are professionally painted, combed and gittled.


The life-sized pedestal-mounted preparations are then transferred to our habitat department. Our habitat artists assemble all trees, rocks, grass and other elements in a way that perfectly reflects the original habitat.

Billing & shipping

After the final touches on the trophy, we will prepare the final bill for our clients and discuss the delivery. After the final payment, we will hand over the completed product.